Creating a new personal account
If you want to save searches, set up search alerts and save frequently used documents, you should create a personalisation account. Personalisation accounts are available to all users, whether they are logging in via IP recognition or via username and password. Any information saved in your personal account cannot be seen by other users.
If you access the site via username and password, follow the instructions in this guide to set up a new personalisation account. As part of this process, you will need to ask your account-holder to issue you a token.
If you access the site via IP-recognition, Shibboleth, OpenAthens or any other route which does not require you to log in, follow the instructions in this guide to set up a personalisation account. As part of this process, you will need to ask your account-holder to issue you a token.
Redeeming a token on your existing personalisation account
All website users with personalisation accounts set up before 25 April 2022 will need to redeem a token in order to continue to use their personalisation account.
If you access the site via username and password, follow the instructions in this guide to redeem a token. You will need to ask your account-holder to issue you a token.
If you access the site via IP-recognition, Shibboleth, OpenAthens or any other route which does not require you to log in, follow the instructions in this guide to redeem a token. You will need to ask your account-holder to issue you a token.
Saving documents to your personal account
To save a document, click the "Save" button in the toolbar on the document page.
You can review your saved documents at any time by clicking the "My personal content" link at the top of the page.
Note that you can also access your recently viewed and all saved documents through the Recent Content and Searches dropdowns.
Saving searches to your personal account
To save a search, click the "Save" button in the toolbar on the search results page.
The following form will be displayed:
Title for search
The default title for the saved search will be whatever terms you searched for and, if applicable, any filters applied to the search.
See the help section on search in this help file for more information on searching.
Optional: You can add comments on the search into the Notes box. If those comments are extensive, the Notes box can be resized by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the box.