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Bloomsbury Family Law Briefing

Author: David Burrows

Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional

Bloomsbury Family Law Briefing

Bloomsbury Family Law Briefing

Bloomsbury Family Law Briefing provides a monthly digest of the rapidly moving field of family law with a summary of the significance of the important cases. It picks up and comments on the cases where the judge has created law; or, as Lord Bingham described it, the court has ‘moved the law along’. The Briefing identifies those cases which have developed the law. This is as important as ever today: EU withdrawal threatens a new layer of ‘retained law’ for us all to learn whatever our discipline. The Home Office is looking fully at the subject of domestic abuse – as it affects criminal and family law. And the new Financial Remedies Courts are due for piloting at Easter 2018 and into a rolling programme which promises specialist judicial approaches to family provision law.

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