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Companies Acts 1963-2012

Lyndon MacCann and Thomas Courtney

Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional

Companies Acts 1963-2012

Companies Acts 1963-2012

This book is a compendium of Irish company legislation and key European legislation.

This year's edition is updated to:

  • Civil Partnership and Certain Rights of Cohabitants Act 2010;
  • Fines Act 2010;
  • Companies Act 2012.

There is a plethora of new Statutory Instruments and the case law has been comprehensively updated, in particular where relevant to Examinerships.

New to this edition: Cross-references throughout to relevant UK legislation, which is a real bonus for practitioners.

The online product is updated to take into account changes which have taken place since publication of the hardcopy in 2013. It has been updated to:

  • Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013
