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Digital Mediation

Author: Stephen Walker MA (Oxon), FCIArb

ISBN: 9781526525772

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Publication Date: 2024

Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional

Digital Mediation

Digital Mediation

Digital mediation is here to stay, but how do mediators, advisers and clients achieve the same results from digital mediations as they do from face to face mediations?

Do new skills and mindsets need to be learnt? Can you build rapport online? Can you read emotions? How do you market online? How do you decide whether it’s the right choice for your dispute? How does digital mediation fit into the world of the Digital Justice System and mandatory mediation?

Answering these questions and many more, this is the only book to focus on mediation as opposed to other means of Online Dispute Resolution such as arbitration.

This title:

  • Includes checklists and templates written by a mediator who has conducted over 280 digital mediations
  • Covers topics including smart systems, ‘smart settle’, the use of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT and mixed media mediations
  • Teaches mediators, advisers and clients the different skills and mindsets essential to success in the world of digital mediation
  • Shows how to market mediation online with practical guidance on websites, videos, blogs and podcasts
  • This book is essential reading for all mediators wishing to adapt to the new norm of digital mediation.
