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Family Court Reports

Edited by:
The Rt Hon Sir Mathew Thorpe
Bloomsbury Professional
W (by her litigation friend, B) v M (by her litigation friend, the Official Solicitor) and others ; [2012] 1 FCR 1 Re K (a child) (contact: ouster injunction) ; [2012] 1 FCR 89 Mosley v United Kingdom ; [2012] 1 FCR 99 N v F ; [2012] 1 FCR 139 AJ v JJ and others ; [2012] 1 FCR 161 S v C ; [2012] 1 FCR 172 Y v Medway Council ; [2012] 1 FCR 186 R (on the application of VC and others) v Newcastle City Council (Secretary of State for the Home Department, interested party)R (on the application of K) v Newcastle City Council (Secretary of State for the Home Department, interested party) ; [2012] 1 FCR 206 W (by her litigation friend, B) v M (by her litigation friend, the Official Solicitor) and others ; [2012] 1 FCR 237 Re Q (a child) (adoption: welfare ...

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