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Holding and Movements - Financial Securities Assurance
Publication Date:
Bloomsbury Professional
2022 Crown
Holding and Movements - Financial Securities Assurance
Holding and Movement Financial Securities Assurance Manual
Last update
: 31st October 2022
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HMFSA0500: Data protection
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HMFSA1000: Background: Contents
HMFSA1050: Scope of this guidance
HMFSA1100: Who has overall responsibility for this book?
HMFSA1150: Defining a revenue trader
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HMFSA2000: General information: Contents
HMFSA2050: What is a financial security?
HMFSA2100: What are the purposes of financial security for premises guarantees?
HMFSA2150: What are the purposes of financial security for movement guarantees?
HMFSA2200: What legislation allows us to to require financial securities for general securities?
HMFSA2250: What legislation allows us to require financial securities for premises?
HMFSA2300: What legislation allows us to require financial securities for movements of duty suspended goods?
HMFSA2350: What type of security do we require?
HMFSA2400: Format of financial securities?
HMFSA2450: Why do we not accept insurance policies?
HMFSA2500: What is the reasoning behind how we calculate the size of a guarantee?
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HMFSA3000: Premises guarantees: Contents
HMFSA3050: Who must provide a premises guarantee?
HMFSA3100: What levels do we require?
HMFSA3150: What about multi-site or multi-company guarantees?
HMFSA3200: How do I respond to a request from the Financial Security Centre (FSC) when a premises guarantee is required?
HMFSA3250: How do I respond to a request from the Financial Securities Centre (FSC) when a combined guarantee (for premises and movements) is required?
HMFSA3300: Do we offer reductions on existing premises guarantees?
HMFSA3350: Why do we give reductions?
HMFSA3400: How does the principal apply for a reduction?
HMFSA3450: What happens next?
HMFSA3500: What do you mean by a significant irregularity?
HMFSA3550: Can HMRC ask for additional security on a premises guarantee?
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HMFSA4000: Movement guarantees: Contents
HMFSA4050: Who can provide a movement guarantee?
HMFSA4100: What levels do we require for a movement guarantee?
HMFSA4150: What should I do if I think someone is unsuitable for a movement guarantee on the grounds of possible impropriety or fraud?
HMFSA4200: Why don't we have individual movement guarantees similar to that of the Community Transit system?
HMFSA4250: How do I respond to a request from the Financial Securities Centre (FSC) for owners of warehoused goods or transporters to hold a movement guarantee?
HMFSA4300: Do we offer reductions on existing movement guarantees?
HMFSA4350: Do we offer reductions on existing movement guarantees?: Additional conditions
HMFSA4400: Can I ask for additional security on an existing movement guarantee?
HMFSA4450: Claims made after reduction of the guarantee
HMFSA4500: Can I allow a lower level than the minimum movement security?
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HMFSA5000: 100% Movement guarantees: Contents
HMFSA5250: What options should I consider before implementing the use of the 100% movement guarantee?
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HMFSA6000: Reviewing guarantees: Contents
HMFSA6050: Review of security levels - action by principals
HMFSA6100: Review of security levels - Regional Risk Teams and Client Relationship Managers (CRM) procedures
HMFSA6200: Financial Securities review procedures within the Financial Securities Centre (FSC)
HMFSA6250: Financial Securities review procedures for Assurance Officers
HMFSA6300: Financial Securities review procedures for Client Relationship Managers
HMFSA6350: Financial securities review procedures within Large Business Service
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HMFSA7000: Claims against guarantees: Contents
HMFSA7050: When would we make a claim against a premises guarantee?
HMFSA7100: When would we make a claim against a movement guarantee?
HMFSA7150: What if the guarantee covers both premises and movements, but the claim relates to one element of the guarantee?
HMFSA7200: Who makes the claim against the guarantee?
HMFSA7250: What must I do when a claim is made against a guarantee?
HMFSA7300: Does the level of security decrease after a claim is made against it?
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HMFSA8000: Lapsing guarantees: Contents
HMFSA8050: What does lapsing mean?
HMFSA8100: Who can lapse a guarantee?
HMFSA8150: Can the Commissioners still make a claim on a lapsed guarantee?
HMFSA8200: Will the Guarantor remain responsible for payment on lapsed guarantees?
HMFSA8250: What must I do when the FSC informs me that the Guarantor has given notice to the Commissioners to lapse a guarantee?
HMFSA8300: What happens to the guarantee after the 12-month lapsing period has expired?
HMFSA8350: Can the Commissioners make a claim on a guarantee, which has been cancelled?
HMFSA8400: What should I do if I have concerns about the usage of a guarantee and wish to lapse it?
HMFSA8450: What happens after I have gathered the necessary documentary evidence?
HMFSA8500: What if the Principal to the guarantee asks me to lapse their movement guarantee?
HMFSA8550: What if the Principal to the guarantee asks me to lapse their premises guarantee?
HMFSA9000: The role of the Financial Securities Centre: Contents
HMFSA10000: Procedures for dealing with financial securities queries