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Caught in Limbo: The Precarious (legal) Situation of Non-removable Migrants Stranded in Europe

Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law

Edited by:
Alan Desmond
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
September 2024
(2021) Vol 35, No 3 IANL I: The growing number of unreturnable migrants in the European Union II: Creating the limbo: How irregular migrants become ‘non-removable’ III: A patchwork of national responses to situations of non-removability IV: Life in a ‘legal vacuum’:Heegaard Bausager/ Köpfli Moiler/ Ardittis (n 9) 77. the deficient protection of the fundamental rights of unreturnable migrants under the Return Directive V: Escaping the limbo: The case for regularisation mechanisms for non-removable migrants VI: Conclusion ...

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