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The Law of Sexual Offences in Scotland

Paul Harvey and Alan Turnbull
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
T Taking evidence Bairns’ Hooses 13.12 — 13.15 introduction 13.05 joint investigative interviews 13.08 — 13.11 Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS) 13.06 statements 13.06 visually recorded interviews 13.07 Taking evidence of vulnerable witnesses commissioner, by 17.25 — 17.30 commissioner, identification evidence 17.47 introduction 17.09 — 17.10 original provisions 17.11 pre-recording evidence commissioner, by 17.25 — 17.30 extension of scope of rule 17.23 — 17.24 general rule 17.17 — 17.22 ground rules ...

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