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The Law of Sexual Offences in Scotland

Paul Harvey and Alan Turnbull
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
I Identification evidence special measures 17.47 Impersonation absence of free agreement 2.47 — 2.49 Imprudent acts capacity to consent 2.104 Incest adoption background 11.04 degrees of relationship 11.06 affinity 11.02 — 11.03 alternative offences 2.124 consanguinity background 11.03 — 11.04 degrees of relationship 11.06 current law 11.05 defences 11.11 — 11.12 degrees of relationship 11.06 11.08 generally 11.06 — 11.12 half-blood 11.09 historical background 11.02 — 11.04 introduction 11.01 mens rea 11.12 proceedings 11.17 sentencing 11.17 ‘sexual intercourse’ 11.06 Inciting the provision by a child of sexual services or child pornography definitions 6.21 — 6.22 elements 6.19 generally 6.19 — 6.23 sentencing 6.30 taking, etc of indecent images of a child, and 6.23 Inconsistent verdicts corroboration 19.95 — 19.97 Indecent assault generally 10.03 — 10.08 jurisdiction 1.06 sentencing 10.31 Indecent behaviour common law 12.16 — 12.17 older boys, with 12.20 statute, under 12.18 — 12.19 Indecent communications child-related offences older ...

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