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The Law of Sexual Offences in Scotland

Paul Harvey and Alan Turnbull
Bloomsbury Professional
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P Partner domestic abuse 7.50 Pattern of behaviour domestic abuse 7.47 Paying for sexual services of a child elements 6.14 — 6.15 EU law 6.06 generally 6.14 — 6.18 introduction 6.06 — 6.13 lap dancing 6.17 sentencing 6.30 telephone sex lines 6.17 ‘payment’ 6.18 ‘sexual activity’ 6.17 ‘sexual services’ 6.16 ‘third person’ 6.18 Penetration rape 3.07 — 3.11 sexual assault 3.17 — 3.22 Penetrative sexual activity with child older children 4.53 young children 4.37 Penis rape 3.04 Performances publication, sale or distribution of obscene materials 9.07 Permitting a girl to use premises for intercourse generally 8.24 — 8.25 Photographs intimate images 7.33 medical evidence 15.33 — 15.36 Photoshopping intimate images 7.28 Police investigations Bairns’ Hooses 13.12 — 13.15 initial briefing reports 13.03 joint interviews 13.08 — 13.11 joint reporting to COPFS and SCRA 13.17 — 13.21 pro-active investigations 13.16 reporting to COPFS 13.17 — 13.21 Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) ...

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