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The Law of Sexual Offences in Scotland

Paul Harvey and Alan Turnbull
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
D DNA profiling contamination avoidance 16.41 — 16.42 introduction 16.25 — 16.26 likelihood ratio 16.33 meaning 16.26 mixed profiles 16.35 — 16.36 prosecutor’s fallacy 16.33 — 16.34 statistical evaluation 16.27 — 16.32 Y-STR 16.37 — 16.40 DNA sampling forensic evidence 16.06 Date of offence alleged prosecution of offences 13.48 — 13.50 De recenti statements accompanied by distress 19.32 — 19.33 generally 19.30 — 19.31 unaccompanied by distress 19.34 Deception as to nature or purpose 2.42 — 2.46 effect 2.73 — 2.83 impersonation 2.47 — 2.49 Decision not to prosecute prosecution of offences 13.34 — 13.36 Decision to prosecute prosecution of offences 13.37 Deemed vulnerable persons changes to provisions 17.16 vulnerable witness notices 17.56 — 17.62 Deeming provisions child-related offences 4.25 — 4.31 Deepfakes intimate images 7.28 Defence hypothesis forensic evidence 16.12 Defences child-related offences counselling, and 4.23 — 4.24 exclusions 4.11 — 4.13 generally 4.14 introduction 4.10 medical care, and ...

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