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11.1 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally

Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
Chapter 11: Placement and adoption orders 11.1.1 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: approach in care cases 11.1.2 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: ADM decisions 11.1.3 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: uncertainty regarding finding adopters: not necessarily reason to refuse orders 11.1.4 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: uncertainty regarding finding adopters: not necessarily reason to refuse orders: dual planning 11.1.5 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: evidence concerning likelihood of finding adopters 11.1.6 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: placing twins separately 11.1.7 Placement and adoption orders: placement orders: generally: dispensing with parental consent: welfare ‘requires’ it ...

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