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11.3 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders

Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
Chapter 11: Placement and adoption orders 11.3.1 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: adoption versus long-term foster care 11.3.2 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: cannot be subject to a condition precedent 11.3.3 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: post-adoption contact opposed by prospective adopters 11.3.4 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: leave to oppose adoption orders: two-stage test 11.3.5 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: leave to oppose adoption orders: two-stage test: stage 1: ‘change of circumstances’ 11.3.6 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: leave to oppose adoption orders: two-stage test: stage 2: judicial evaluation 11.3.7 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: leave to oppose adoption orders: two-stage test: stage 2: judicial evaluation: exercised exceptionally? 11.3.8 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: leave to oppose adoption orders: procedure: discretion to hear oral evidence 11.3.9 Placement and adoption orders: adoption orders: leave to oppose adoption orders: procedure: hopeless applications 11.3.10 ...

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