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13.1 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation

Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
Chapter 13: Restricting liberty 13.1.1: Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25 13.1.2 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: ‘provided for the purpose of restricting liberty’: designed for or having as its primary purpose restricting liberty 13.1.3 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: welfare is relevant, not paramount 13.1.4 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: the two limbs under s 25(1) are disjunctive 13.1.5 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: meaning of ‘likely’ in the two limbs 13.1.6 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: meaning of ‘abscond’ in the first limb 13.1.7 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: children’s consent is unnecessary 13.1.8 Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: identified placements are not required 13.1.9: Restricting liberty: secure accommodation: test under s 25: using child DoL orders if secure accommodation is unavailable 13.1.10 Restricting liberty: ...

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