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Chapter 13: Restricting liberty 13.2.1 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: use when s 25-compliant secure accommodation is unavailable 13.2.2 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: use when s 25-compliant secure accommodation is unavailable: test for orders: paramountcy principle 13.2.3 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: use when s 25-compliant secure accommodation is unavailable: test for orders: should the s25 criteria apply? 13.2.4 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: depriving children’s liberty: three Storck Storck v Germany (61603/00) (ECtHR), (2006) 43 EHRR 6. components 13.2.5 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: depriving children’s liberty: three Storck components: the ‘acid test’ 13.2.6 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: depriving children’s liberty: three Storck components: component (a) ‘confinement’ 13.2.7 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: depriving children’s liberty: three Storck components: component (a) ‘confinement’: ages: ‘rules of thumb’ 13.2.8 Restricting liberty: child DoL orders: depriving children’s liberty: three Storck components: component (b) ‘lack of valid consent’: neither LAs nor ...
13.2 Restricting liberty: child deprivation of liberty orders
Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium
- Author:
- William Seagrim
- Publisher:
- Bloomsbury Professional
- Publication Date:
- 2025
- Law Stated At:
- 3 June 2024
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