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3.2 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold

Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
Chapter 3: Threshold criteria 3.2.1 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: matters to bear in mind if threshold is disputed 3.2.2 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: approach to fact-finding 3.2.3 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: case management 3.2.4 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: formulating threshold allegations 3.2.5 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: adducing proper evidence if allegations are disputed 3.2.6 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: putting adverse cases 3.2.7: Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: departing from LA allegations 3.2.8 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: non-applicability of criminal law concepts 3.2.9 Threshold criteria: general approach to threshold: precisely ascertaining the meaning of ‘non-accidental injury’ ...

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