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6.2 International issues: jurisdiction

Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
Chapter 6: International issues 6.2.1 International issues: jurisdiction: how to approach the issue 6.2.2: International issues: jurisdiction: habitual residence 6.2.3 International issues: jurisdiction: habitual residence: when does habitual residence change? 6.2.4: International issues: jurisdiction: habitual residence: no habitual residence 6.2.5 International issues: jurisdiction: habitual residence: at what time? 6.2.6: International issues: jurisdiction: transfer between contracting states: test 6.2.7 International issues: jurisdiction: transfer between contracting states: evidence of genuine and specific added value 6.2.8 International issues: jurisdiction: transfer between contracting states: comity ...

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