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Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
T Threshold criteria attributability a contributory causal connection 3.7.1 beyond parental care not a finding of blame 3.7.9 ‘parental’ refers to the child’s parent(s), not reasonable parent s 3.7.10 care given or likely to be given an objective standard 3.7.2 reasonableness evaluated by reference to particular circumstances 3.7.3 blameless, accidental injurie s 3.7.7 care given by whom 3.7.5 FGM/male circumcision 3.7.8 parent with learning disabilities 3.7.4 uncertain perpetrator findings in present cases 3.7.6 burden and ...

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