This book deals with the development of the doctrine of specific performance with particular focus on issues such as: procedure, defences, ancillary remedies, conditional contracts, subject to contract, part performance and the application of the doctrine to specific types of contract. As well as property contracts, it also covers specific performance of other types of contracts, such as contracts for the sale of shares, partnership agreements, construction contracts, agreements for services and leases. The book deals with the procedures associated with seeking the remedy, the defences to a claim, and alternative remedies which may warrant consideration.
Legislation key to Specific Performance in Ireland: Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009
Key case law: Aranbel v Darcy; O’Connor v Coady; Mackie v Wilde (No.2); Ahmed v HSE; Claystone v Larkin; Supermacs Ireland Ltd v Katesan; Dakota Packaging v AHP Manufacturing; Duffy v Ridley Properties Ltd