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Termination of Employment

Alastair Purdy
Bloomsbury Professional
Third edition
Publication Date:
D Damage to reputation injunctions, and [7.10] Damages injunctions, and damage to reputation, where [7.10] generally [7.09] Data protection email and internet use, and [3.94] transfer of undertakings, and [11.41] Date of dismissal unfair dismissal, and [3.28] Delay constructive dismissal, and [3.103] Disability taxation of lump sum payments, and exempt payments [6.02] introduction [6.01] tax relief [6.03] — [6.13] Disability discrimination awareness of disability [8.29] capability [8.31] case law [8.28] definition [8.26] disproportionate burden [8.35] excluded conditions [8.27] introduction [8.26] phased return to work [8.34] reasonable accommodation, and [8.32] — [8.33] Disciplinary hearings appeals failure to appeal [4.30] generally [4.29] expert witnesses [4.27] failure to appeal [4.30] final written warnings [4.23] introduction [4.22] legal representation [4.25] probationary employees [4.28] procedural fairness, and consistent application [4.04] fairness [4.03] generally [4.02] universal application [4.04] representation introduction [4.24] legal [4.25] trade union [4.26] trade union representation [4.26] written warnings [4.23] Disciplinary proceedings injunctions, ...

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