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Workforce Restructuring in Europe

Authors: Edzard Clifton-Dey, Pia Dalziel, Sara Kennedy, and Emmanuelle Ries

ISBN: 9781847667007

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Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional

Law As Stated At: 1 August 2015

Workforce Restructuring in Europe

Workforce Restructuring in Europe

The brand new title that provides practical employment law guidance on HR restructuring matters across 30 European jurisdictions.

Offering straightforward information on issues which are commonly faced by businesses during various kinds of restructuring, it looks at: the reorganisation of a workplace or group of companies; downsizing or closure of a business; restructuring due to relocation; and when outsourcing is being considered. The book assists readers to focus on what needs to be done 'now' as well as to plan for the timing, consultation, costs, morale implications and processes involved in each stage of the restructure.

Individual 'State' chapters aid practical comparison

These scenarios are examined across the 28 EU member states plus Norway and Switzerland, each in their own chapter, to allow for practical comparison across various jurisdictions. An introductory chapter on EU minimum standards helps the reader to place each country within the context of EU law.

Each chapter follows the same template to allow for easy comprehension of how to approach the same issue across borders. They cover:

  • Employment Status
  • Process for individual redundancies
  • Process for collective redundancies
  • Works Council and consultation requirements
  • Employment implications of business transfers
  • Unilateral and mutually agreed changes to terms and conditions of employment

Local status of legislation and case law

To keep the book user-friendly, legislation and case law are addressed in such a way that presents the current local primary and secondary status of each, without excessive use of unnecessary citations.

Who should consider buying this book?

This is an essential title for all employment law practitioners and HR specialists who work for, or advise, businesses that have offices in multiple European states.
