Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook 2021
This annual publication contains selected cases and materials relevant to Irish employment law practitioners, specifically those from throughout 2021. Their selection is carried out by the experienced lawyers of the Arthur Cox Employment Law Group. This book is also of great use to HR professionals and trade union officials who need to be up to speed with developments in employment law.
The title contains analysis and discussions on:
- Irish law: decisions of the superior courts, Labour Court, Equality Tribunal, Employment Appeals Tribunal etc.
- Irish legislation (including the Workplace Relations Act 2015) and statutory instruments
- English law so far as relevant e.g. common law decisions
- EU law: decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and relevant Directives/Regulations
- Data protection and freedom of information developments, and
- Other material such as Annual Reports of the EAT, the Labour Court, the Health & Safety Authority, the activities of NERA as well as decisions listed in other complementary areas of the law, including taxation and pensions
These have all been selected by experienced lawyers in the relevant fields.