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9.4 The welfare stage: care planning

Public Children Law: A Case Law Compendium

William Seagrim
Bloomsbury Professional
Publication Date:
Law Stated At:
3 June 2024
Chapter 9: The welfare stage 9.4.1 The welfare stage: care planning: duty to keep plans under review 9.4.2 The welfare stage: care planning: no authority for ‘starred care plans’ 9.4.3 The welfare stage: care planning: twin-tracking 9.4.4 The welfare stage: care planning: contingency planning 9.4.5 The welfare stage: care planning: role of the court and LAs 9.4.6 The welfare stage: care planning: role of the court and LAs: courts retain control over contact 9.4.7 The welfare stage: care planning: court dissatisfaction with final care plans 9.4.8 The welfare stage: care planning: court dissatisfaction with final care plans: cogent reasons needed to force more draconian orders 9.4.9 The welfare stage: care planning: court dissatisfaction with final care plans: courts not bound by parties’ agreements ...

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